
FAN THE FLAMES of your relationship!  Our card game is a date night/couples retreat in a box, designed by Marriage & Family Therapist Krista Miller.  Take a quiz to assess your needs, receive a personalized prescription, get connected. Over 600 thought and emotion prompts on 140 premium cards. The PERFECT gift for any couple! - Now Available!

Dance of Hearts Couples Sessions Relationship Game

This professional system uses research and science to cultivate a strong connection. Designed by/for therapists and their clients - available to everyone!

How does it work? 

LOVE QUIZ™ - Start by each taking an easy online relationship quiz (Optional)

PRESCRIPTION - The quiz results will identify the most important categories to cover in your session (Optional)

SELECT CARDS - Fan out the cards, each of you will select the top card or cards in your prescribed elements

READ CARDS - Ask your partner the questions on the card,  completing all questions on the card before taking turns.  Each card has one initial conversation starter and three follow up questions.  Complete as many cards as time allows.

Repeat often, anytime you find yourselves a little disconnected or when you'd like to refocus on each other

This system also includes additional resources - Click here for resources

Our system is a super easy way to navigate meaningful conversations and address all of the Elements of Harmony, the core pillars of a relationshipl

Every card has a main question, followed by 3 prompts, they are:

Lightbulb- Prompt a thought provoking response and simply "say more"

Heart- Deepen your connection through identification and communication of emotion

Connection signal- Take the next step to reach out and connect your response to your partner

Cupid:  Our cupid will also help out intermittently to give you tips to protect and enhance the moment

I am Krista J Miller, MS, LMFT.  I have over 23 years of experience working with couples in many settings.  I have a passion for helping couples connect and grow together.  I hope this product can be an easy resource to utilize often, anytime you feel disconnected, alone, or just want to enjoy your partner.  Make that meaningful experience happen!

How are we different?

Compare us to:

Fancy expensive date night dinners:  We are way cheaper than an expensive dinner and flowers, and much more meaningful!  No more noses in phones at a ritzy restaurant.

The latest relationship book:  How often have you both read that book you bought?  I thought so!  Our cards are an experience that you enjoy together, at the same time, not only acquiring relationship information, but creating a fond memory that will last forever

Other conversation cards:  Our cards are strengths based and solution focused.  We worked very hard to lead you away from fights and into connection.  As a marriage counselor, I know how couples tend to get stuck and over what topics.  No questions lead to criticisms.    There are no filler cards; each card has at least 3 follow up questions to deepen the connection, as well as promps from our resident cupid to help you out.

Picking a fight about nothing:  Probably creates some intensity, but not one that feels good, lets avoid this and get right to what you truly need.

Binge watching tv:  Enjoyable as this is sometimes, it’s pretty numbing and doesn’t create a memory.  You will remember our experience, which not only make for an enjoyable evening, but could strengthen your relationship.

Apps:  Our cards were created with the intention to move away from your screens and truly connect.  Get immersed in the moment together!

Sending your partner relationship articles or Tik Toks:  These are probably not being recieved as intended.  We provide a face to face experience, which is the one of the best ways to create lasting change.  

Doing Nothing…Not recommended!  A relationship is a living, breathing entity.  If you want it to be there for you and thrive, it needs a little consistent TLC time to time.  We’ve made this “work” easy and fun.

Disclaimer:  These cards are meant to be psycheducational and not as a replacement for relationship therapy or mental health therapy.  This product will not benefit those where:  there is high conflict, heavy substance abuse, domestic violence, emotional abuse, ongoing or recent infidelity and untreated mental illness.  Please see a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist or other mental health professional in your area to address these issues. 

Order yours today!
